
Similarly examining student and instructor task perceptions

Major Paper with Documentation and Outline


This essay requires a serious research inquiry and the use of primary and or secondary sources. You will need to consult academic journals and reputable books to come up with a meaningful response to the issues raised in your essay.

Your personal opinions are of less value than critical arguments supported with evidence from research. NO OPINIONS!

You must use at least TWO reading from the textbook as well as at least FIVE direct references to diverse sources including scholarly books and journals to support your thesis. The sources must be recent, i.e. not older than 1996.


Include an introductory paragraph with a thesis, several body paragraphs, a counter argument and refutation and a conclusion that summarizes your main points.

Include a Title page and Works Cited page.

Photocopy or print out the relevant pages of ONE of your source materials and attach them to your paper. (DO NOT PRINT ARTICLES FROM YOUR TEXT BOOK).

Document all references in MLA format for both in-text citations and your Works Cited page.

Type your essay in 12 point font and double-spaced.

Your essay should be 1500-2000 words - include a word count at the end of your essay. This excludes your outline and works cited list.
Number all pages and put your name on all pages.

Staple your assignment on the top left corner only. Use a plain cover that contains your name, course and section code, date and the title of your paper. Do not use fancy folders, plastic covers, or paperclips. Do not include drawings, pictures, photographs, or any other images anywhere in this assignment.

Late assignments will NOT be marked (I will not have time to mark them and return them prior to your final exam) and will receive a grade of "0".

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. We have already discussed what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. However, if you are not sure about it, please make an appointment at the learning commons for help.

All essays MUST be submitted to SafeAssign. YOU MUST ALSO SUBMIT A HARD COPY OF YOUR ESSAY TO ME.


Choose ONE of the following essay questions:

1. Several of the readings in the textbook discuss how media representations, whether they promote themselves as "entertainment" or "educational" affect our perceptions of "reality." Construct an argumentative essay either agreeing or disagreeing with this point of view.

2. Catherine E. Snow writes, "A major challenge to students learning science is the academic language in which science is written" (166). Similarly, "Examining student and instructor task perceptions in a complex engineering design task" argues that students' perceptions of their ability to manage academic tasks depend in large part on their ability to successfully comprehend complex readings. As such, understanding academic conventions is a key component of student success at the post-secondary level. Write an essay that argues for or against this point of view.

3. Much of our national self-perception as Canadians is based on our belief that our international reputation is positive. In "The Ugly Canadian," however, Amir Attaran suggests that reality may entail quite different feelings. Write an essay that argues for or against this point of view.

4. In "Which "Native" history? By whom? For whom?," Jim Miller says that historical study "enriches our understanding of the past by focusing on intercultural processes and their results" (248). Construct an essay which argues for or against this view.

5. "When an individual decides to live in a new country, it is imperative that he/she embrace the new culture, including the language, completely, even if it means giving up the ‘old' culture." Write an essay that argues for or against this statement.

6. Several readings from the text suggest that asCanadians, we tend to be proud of what we consider uniquely "Canadian" values. Write an essay that argues for or against the veracity of that pride.

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Term Paper: Similarly examining student and instructor task perceptions
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