
Similarity and difference of two companies financial state

Download and review the financial statements of the Ascension Health, a non-profit, religious-based healthcare system, from:


Download and review the financial statements of HCA, Inc., a for profit healthcare system, from https://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=63489&p=irol-reports.

Part A:

Review the company’s balance sheets, statements of income or operations, and statements of cash flows. Recognize and explain five similarities and five differences among the two company’s financial statements.

Part B:

After analyzing the statements, respond to the given:

1) You have reviewed information on three financial statements for two respective organizations. In what manner is each statement helpful? Which statement seems to you most helpful?

2) If, due to time constraints, your organization could only make one financial statement, which one - balance sheet, statement of income, or statement of cash flow - would you recommend? Why?

Submit your 2 to 3-page report.

Make sure there are in text references and they are listed on the reference page.

Paper should be completed in APA format.

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Financial Accounting: Similarity and difference of two companies financial state
Reference No:- TGS0288

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