
Significant influenee on beans life

Ender’s shadow:

Identify the person yon feel had a significant influenee on Bean’s life. Show how and why that person is important to the Elean1 using important examples from the story.

I At the end of the novel. Grafl’ is brought up on charges. Write a letter to the military eonrt defending or condemning Grafi’a actions. Be sure to give examples supporting your opinion

I Define “disingenuous,” “predilection,” or any other unusual word you found in the novel and show how an understanding bath the denotations and eonnotations helps no understand more about Bean or any other of the people in his life I Compare and oontrast the bullies in the story, or compare and eontrast any of the “leaders-”

Show their bullying or leadership behavior with examples fiom the story; then explain why

an understanding of these particular behaviors is important to understanding Bean’s life.

a Bean antieipates further problems on Earth after the Formies are beaten. Compose a well developed email to Locke or Demosthenes explaining

6) Discuss the meaning cf either Ender ‘s Game andfcr Enderis .S’hcdcw fer Been.
I Discuss the dialcgues used tc cpcn each cthtcr. What purpcsc’s dc these flflflvmflfiflflfi
save? Give example: tc scppctt 3*ch answer.
Bean faces challenges cu the streets, in battle schch and later in ccmthend schcc].
Discuss some cf these challenges and shew whet Bean learns.

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