
Significant elements for effective communication

Question 1:

a) Illustrate out the term TEAM and discuss why a team is significant. Demonstrate your answer with instances.

b) Human Values are based on five (5) significant elements. Provide instances of each and how you can employ these values for effective communication.

Question 2:

a) Illustrate out the term Communication.

b) Illustrate out the communication process with the assists of a diagram.

c) There are six (6) significant elements for effective communication. Name them.

Question 3:

a) List all the different techniques of communication. Provide some examples.

b) What are the dissimilar factors which will prevent you from communicating well?

Question 4:

a) Today in a competitive business environment, putting customer first is becoming more and more of a prime factor. Discuss this proclamation.

b) There are dissimilar ways of delivering excellent customer services. Name them.

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Other Subject: Significant elements for effective communication
Reference No:- TGS08190

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