
Significanceof the research- what the information attempts


Students will be required to submit a research proposal (10 -14 page double spaced APA formatted paper) consisting of five major parts:

1. INTRODUCTION is Chapter 1: This page needs to be formatted correctly. Refer to the course Homepage for models. There should a cover page and table of contents. No abstract is required. The section (5 pages) contains the following:

a. Background - brief summary of proposal intention. The background should address what is the research problem, how it impacts health, and what will be measured?

b. Theoretical Background - model, framework, theory used to support research question such as Health People Report 2020, theoretical constructs, concepts, and /or theoretical models such as Health Belief Model,

c. The purpose of Study - why is this research important? Why is it worth understanding? Who is your target population? Where (location) are you conduct this study? How will you get this population and what type of study (focus group or survey)?

d. Significanceof the Research- what the information attempts to demonstrate such as contributions to basic health knowledge, contributions to health issues. What new information will be learned, how does this information change/assist/help/and add to the health research?

Specific Aims - What you will attempt to determine? Students will need two to three specific aims for this section. This section has a strict numbering format display. "The Health Effects of Lead Poisoning Among Elementary School-Age Children in the Newark School District"

For example: Use this format.

The specific aims of the study are to determine

1. The participant's knowledge level of lead poisoning on the developing child,
2. The participant's perceptions of public health messages to the community about water quality in the schools,
3. The participant's belief about government responsibility toward the public.

e. Terminology - jargon or abbreviations that are used frequency in the research.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW is Chapter 2: Students will conduct a summary literature review of 8 health articles(minimum5 pages). Database resources should come from your campus library visits. The literature review does not have a conclusion. Do not give a conclusion to the review of theliterature. Depending on your investigation, it may go in the direction of investigating social, economic, and environmental factors relating to your topic. Therefore, you might have side-heading (pg. 62 of APA manual entitled, "Level of Headings") in the literature review. For example, (this is only an example of side headings):

"The Health Effects of Lead Poisoning Among Elementary School-Age Children in the Newark School District"

a. Social Issues (investigatingthe social issues surrounding your thesis proposal)
b. Economic Considerations (investigating the economic conditions of the issue in your thesis proposal)
c. Environmental Concerns (investigating environmental concerns)
d. Public Health Awareness (investigating the level of knowledge that the public has concerning your thesis statement.

3. METHOD is Chapter 3: Students will develop a survey questionnaire and test the questions on eight people anddevelop focus group using refined questions from the surveyand moderate a focus group in class. The student must allow for 90 minutes of work to conduct a focus group of eight people for 30 -45 minutes. The student will present their focus group protocols and record the responses. This section of the proposal (2-3 pages) will contain the target population, the setting, and results of survey questions and focus group responsesMethods section must include,brief introductory to the section. These are the side headings:

a. Participants and Setting - identify methods used to identify participants, recruitment for afocusgroup,inclusion, thenumber of participants, and exclusion protocols, interview questions (name the instrument the questions came from), refer to the demographic table. The demographic table should be a separate page.

b. Procedures - protocols (how the data was collected, consent form, how the data was coded, recorder/ recordings, and transcriptions.

i. Focus Group script and questions.
ii. Incentives, location, selection criteria

c. Data Collection - Display tables and summarize

4. DISCUSSIONChapter 4:Students will discuss their findings in this section. According to APA manual (APA, 2010) pg. 35, this section should consist of evaluation and interpretation of the results.

5. RESULTS Chapter 5 Discuss key points, how the theoretical base and the focus group related to your study. Talk about the limitations of the study.. What was thepractical significance of the outcomes? How does the study question translate to health education practice? . The student must provide a demographic tablecontaining questions such as gender, age, place of residence, income, occupation, race, ethnicity, and other pertinent information. This section has the following side-heading:

a. Demographic Characteristics: Describe the demographic characteristics of the participants. The student must provide a demographic tablecontaining questions such as gender, age, place of residence, income, occupation, race, ethnicity, and other pertinent information.

b. Demographic Table - one table labeled Table 6

c. RECOMMENDATIONS for Future Research - discuss the research and list by numbering therecommendations for example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so forth.

6. Appendix (Appendices and Supplemental Materials) pg. 38 of APA manual - this section will comprise (1) moderator's script, (2) consent form, (3) focus group questions, (4) focus group assessment information, (5) classroom evaluations (6) letters of introduction (if applicable) (7) piloted questions.

7. Thesis Proposal: Cover page,table of contents, No abstract, Thesis Chaptersare: Chapter 1 (5 pages w/out cover, table of contents, and references), Chapter 2, (5 pages)Chapter 3 (5 pages), Chapter 4 (2 pages), Chapter 5 (2 pages)
Margins - Follow APA Handbook

Top margin - 1."
Top margin, 1st page of new section- 3."
Bottom margin - 1" (i.e., 1" below page number)
Right margin - 1."
Left margin - 1."
Font 12-points, Times Roman or Currier, double spaced
Required Pages Cover/Title Page - correct APA format
Pagination - Page numbers in correct order
Table of Contents - must be included
Appendix -must be included.

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Dissertation: Significanceof the research- what the information attempts
Reference No:- TGS02726061

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