
Significance of service quality for tourism organisations

Question 1:

McCarthy (1960) invented the concept of 4Ps- Product, Price, Promotion and Place marketing mix. For many years these were the principal foundation on which organisations accomplished profitability. However, with specific attention being paid to services marketing in recent years, researchers have argued that other variables could be added to increase the traditional marketing mix.  Recognize the elements of marketing mix of a tourism organisation and critically measure how they are manipulated to accomplish competitive edge.

Question 2:

Destination marketing in today’s competitive business environment discloses that tourism destinations face a number of challenges to accomplish a competitive positioning on international tourism map. Critically analyze the main factors that a small developing island destination like Mauritius must consider in order to remain competitive.

Question 3:

“Marketing has been called both a major villain for its role in stimulating unsustainable levels of consumption and demand, and also a saviour through its application of market mechanisms to tackle environmental and social problems.”

Analyze the marketing initiatives of the tourism organisation and discuss to which extent you think that its initiatives reflect the above proclamation.

Question 4:

It is extensively acknowledged that service quality is crucial to customer satisfaction, customer retention and profitability. Statement like “quality is our number one priority” depicts evidence of service companies? belief in quality as the bridge to future revenue.  But, although companies recognise the significance of service quality, not all companies manage to deliver services of high quality to their customers.

Critically measure the significance of service quality for tourism organisations and discuss the strategies which must be adopted by these organisations to deliver high service quality.

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Marketing Management: Significance of service quality for tourism organisations
Reference No:- TGS08799

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