Answer the following questions.
Question 1) What do you understand by Management? Comment on, “Management is an Art as well as Science”.
Question 2) Differentiate between Management and Administration.
Question 3) Describe Henry Fayol’s Principles of Management.
Question 4) Define nature and significance of Hawthorn Experiments.
Question 5) What is ‘Crisis’? Elaborate on the importance of Crisis Management.
Question 6) Describe meaning, advantages and limitations of Committee type of Organisation.
Question 7) Describe different qualities that are required by an Effective Leader.
Question 8) What is Communication? Describe Process of Communication in detail.
Question 9) Write brief notes on:
(a) Management of Change
(b) Social Responsibility of Management
(c) Management by Objective (MBO)
(d) Line Organisation
(e) Importance of Delegation