
Significance of gibbs and helmholtz free energies

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Define the entropy of a system. Describe the entropy changes in reversible and irreversible process.

Question 2) Describe the significance of Gibbs and Helmholtz free energies? Derive Gibbs – Helmholtz equation?

Question 3) Describe partial molar properties ? Derive Gibbs – Duhem equation.

Question 4) Derive thermodyanamic derivation of phase rule and Raoult’s law.

Question 5) What are Miller Indices? Describe (100), (110) and (111) planes for a cubic crystal?

Question 6) Describe the measurement of radioactivity by G.M. Counters and scintillation counters.

Question 7) Describe the defects in crystals? Write a detail note on Schottky and Frenkel defects and measurement of lattice energy?

Question 8) Defineradioactive disintegration level and radioactive equilibrium? Derive the relationship between Decay constant and half-life period of a radioactive element?

Question 9) Describe the differences between physical adsorption and chemisorption. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm.

Question 10) What are micelles? Describe the micellar mechanism with suitable example. State different types of micelles with examples.

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Chemistry: Significance of gibbs and helmholtz free energies
Reference No:- TGS05079

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