Significance of demographic transition theory

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Describe the nature of Economics.

Question 2) What are the kinds of elasticity of demand?

Question 3) Expound the tenets of Malthus Theory of Population.

Question 4) Demonstrate the Law of Demand.

Question 5) State the factors which promote the Labour Efficiency.

Question 6) Brief the assumptions of Ricardian theory of Rent.

Question 7) Write down the methods of measuring National Income.

Question 8) Outline the reasons for the growth of public Expenditure.

Question 9) Describe and demonstrate the concept ‘Consumer Surplus’.

Question 10) Write down significance of demographic transition theory.

Question 11) Describe the basic concepts of national income.

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Microeconomics: Significance of demographic transition theory
Reference No:- TGS06858

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