
Show your selection of hardware and software for each

Architectural Layers for our Bug Tracking System Case Study

The Bug Tracking application could be modeled many different ways. Diagram what a 2-tier, 3-tier, and n-tier version of the bug system might look like.


  1. For each model, show what functionality might be allocated to which layer. Represent this in architectural layer diagram to show what functionality is allocated to each layer, and also in a plausible deployment (physical architecture) diagram to show machines, resources, and connectivity.
  2. Show your selection of hardware and software for each model in the deployment diagrams.
  3. Create a matrix to compare and contrast the different diagrams/solutions:




2-tier, fat client









(Optional other architecture of your choice)




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Case Study: Show your selection of hardware and software for each
Reference No:- TGS0667268

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