
Show the total book of each course that a student has taken



A. In this file, you will find a list of database project ideas. You must choose one of them to design and implement

B. This project worth 10 marks, will be distributed as in the following:

a. Design the database, following an ER model.
b. Normalize the tables ( each table should be in 3NF at least)
c. Use MySQL or any other database to create the normalized tables andpopulate your tables with at least 5 rows.
d. Execute the sample requested queries.

C. Each student has to submit one report about his/her chosen Project via the Blackboard , containing the following:

a. ER Diagram.
b. All schemas before and after normalization.
c. All SQL statements of:

- creating tables
- inserting data in tables
- queries.

D. Screenshots from MySQL (or any other software you use) of all the tables after population and queries results.

II. Project Ideas:

Project 1

Online Library Management system

This is supposed to develop a database to manage online library management system (A student and faculty can issue books). Your product should contain information about courses, students, teachers, Departments Book Id, book names, authors, No. of copies, number of days and Details of Fine.

Each Book has id, title, author, number, submission date and time, duration, issue date.

You should store an id, name, E-mail for each student & teachers.

Each teacher has id, name, and department name.

For new students enrolled to university and you have to store information like Name and ID.

Database should also store who issues that book and when and duration. Details of Fine (when the book is not returned at a due date) are also stored.

SQL Queries:

1. Write a query to find which student has issued the Book Id =1011 in the last 3 months.

2. Find the students who submitted a book after the deadline in "computer science" course.

3. List the name and email for all students who supposed to return the book, but they did not.

4. Show the total book of each course that a student has taken.

5. Show the students who has issued that book and when and duration. Detail of Fine (when the book is not returned at a time).

Project 2

Online Hospital Management System (OHMS)

The project "Online Hospital Management System" is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-day state of admission/discharge of patients, list of doctors, reports generation etc. It is designed to achieve the following objectives:

1. To computerize all details like patient details & hospital details.

2. Scheduling the appointment of patient with doctors to make it convenient for both.

3. Scheduling the services of specialized doctors and emergency properly so that facilities provided by hospital are fully utilized in effective and efficient manner.

4. If the medical store issues medicines to patients, it should reduce the stock status of the medical store and vice-versa.

5. It should be able to handle the test reports of patients conducted in the pathology lab of the hospital.

6. The inventory should be updated automatically whenever a transaction is made.

7. The information of the patients should be kept up to date and their record should be kept in the system for historical purposes.

SQL Queries:

1. Find all the patients who are admitted in the hospital on a particular date.
2. Find the patient who did not pay for the test report.
3. Find the list of doctors who has specialization in Surgery.
4. Show the total number of doctors in each department of the hospital.
5. Show the total amount each department of hospital received on a particular date.

Project 3

Database System for a Blood Bank Organization

Consider a database system for a Blood Bank Organization. The data requirements are summarized as follows:

1. Donors:

1. Donors are tracked by a unique donor ID.
2. Personal information includes first name, last name, phone number, Date of Birth and sex.
3. The combination of the Donor's first and last name must be unique.
4. Donor's sex is not a mandatory field.
5. Donors must be at least 17 years of age.
6. Donors can donate at any clinic any number of times.

2. Blood:

1. Blood is tracked by a unique ID.
2. BloodType is how the blood is categorized: (A+/A-, B+/B-, AB+/AB-, O+/O-, N/A).
3. N/A refers to blood that has not been processed yet.
4. Status refers to the state of the blood: (pure, N/A, impure).
5. N/A refers to blood that has not been processed yet.
6. Donor_id is a FK which references the ID of the Donor.
7. Blood specimens must have a donor.
8. Clinic_id is a FK which references the ID of the Clinic that stores the blood.
9. Blood specimens must be stored at one clinic.
10. DonateDate is the date the blood sample was received.

3. Clinic:

1. Clinics are tracked by unique clinic ID.
2. Each clinic has a name and location.
3. The combination of the clinic's name and location must be unique.
4. Employees:

1. Employees are tracked by unique Employee ID.
2. Clinic_id is a FK which references the Clinic ID which they work at.
3. Employees must work at a single Clinic.
4. Personal information includes Fname, Lname and sex.
5. The combination of an employee's first and last name must be unique.

SQL Queries:

1. List the first and last name of all donors whose blood type is O+.
2. List names and location of clinics that store a blood of type B+.
3. Find the names of donors whose age is above 30 years and have donated since 1/1/2000.
4. List the names of employees who are working in clinics which do not have a blood of type A-.

III. Your Project:

Title of Your Project

A. Design & ER Model

B. Normalize the Tables (in 3NF at least)

C. Create the Normalized Tables and Populate them with at least 5 Rows

D. Write the sample requested Queries & Execute them.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Computer Engineering: Show the total book of each course that a student has taken
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