(a) Consider the same game as in question 2 above, but supposeTis not known.
Instead, we know that the game continues with probabilitydand ends with probability1-dafter each round with each player getting zero if the game ends (or, if you prefer,dis thediscount factor). Is it possible to play(B, b)in each period ifd= 0.8?What ifd= 0.2?
(b) Consider the infinitely repeated version of the following game.
H 1,1 3,0
D 0,3 2,2
The payoff of player 1, if (H, H) is played infinitely with discount factor or continuation probabilityd,is1 +d+d2+d3+.....
Is (D, D) forever a SPNE outcome ford= 2/3?If it is, show the SPNE strategies. If it is not explained why.
If the game was played twice, would playing(D, D)in the first period be a subgame perfect equilibrium first-period outcome? Explain why or why not.