
Show the source code for a c console application names

1. Show the source code for a C# console application names ‘Sibs' that prints your frist name on the first line, your last name on the second line, and the number of siblings you have on the third line

Declare and initialize an appropriate variable for your number of siblings

Include at leat three descriptive comments

Stat how you would use the error list window to identify and correct errors in your code

2. Using WHILE loop, write the C# code required to print every second integer starting with 0 until the number is greater than 200(i.e.. 0, 5, 10, 15 etc ) Describe another type loop that can also be used to implement this functionality which would be more efficient?

3. Write a C# program to store an array of these integers 23,45,67,89 and 10. Use an appropriate loop to multiply all of the values in the list. Print out the result.

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C/C++ Programming: Show the source code for a c console application names
Reference No:- TGS01089908

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