
Show the number of students whose zip is 07070list all

Show the number of students whose zip is 07070.

List all students (display student_id, first name, last name, and employer) who live in Columbus, OH.

Show the zip, state and city that have > 5 students as residents.

List all students (display student_id, first name, last name, and registration date) who registered on or before 2/13/2007 but have not enrolled in any course.

Show the number of students enrolled in the 'Intro to Unix' course.

List all students (display student_id, first name, last name, and employer) who took courses taught by instructor 'Anita Morris'.

List all distinct courses (display instructor name, course_no and description) taught by 'Anita Morris'.

For all students who took 'Intro to Unix', calculate the highest, lowest, and average midterm exam grade.

Show which courses have > 10 students enrolled. Display course_no, description and number of students enrolled.

List any student who has enrolled in the same course multiple times. Display student name, course description, and enrollment count.

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Chemistry: Show the number of students whose zip is 07070list all
Reference No:- TGS01159753

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