
Show the local gene region with gene names and predicted

You should construct your own figures for this section.

a. Gene neighborhood. Show the local gene region with gene names and predicted function for two neighboring genes on each side of your gene. (Make use of NCBI gene database)

b. Gene exon/intron structure. Show your gene with introns and exons labeled and the expected corresponding mature mRNA(s). The length (in base pairs) of each segment should be indicated. In some cases, your gene may be known to undergo alternative splicing, which you should also indicate. (ENSEMBL, NCBI RefSeq, NCBI Unigene)

c. Variant locations. The specific locations of variants associated with inherited diseases should be indicated. In some cases, it may not be possible to show all variants, so key examples are enough.

d. Gene product alignment. By using a BLASTX search you should be able to find homologs to your gene and construct an alignment with at least 6 other gene products (amino acid alignment). The alignment does not have to be across the full gene sequence, a single conserved domain will suffice. Highly conserved regions should be indicated.

e. CRISPR-cas gene replacement. Design a guide RNA (gRNA) that could be used to edit/repair/replace a segment of your gene. The specific design will depend on whether you want to make an INDEL or point mutation.

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Biology: Show the local gene region with gene names and predicted
Reference No:- TGS01577640

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