
Show the economic of scale of the business growth


Q: Show the economic of scale of the business growth in each department

Final project title: "strategic business plan"

Objective of the business : to Supply products, automotive parts and technical services in the west african countries.

Import automobile from north america and europe.

The purpose of the project is to

Develope a strategic business plan for a company that provide

Automobile products, automotives parts and technicual services in

West african countries(work shop)

The project should include all

Aspects of a profesional business plan (min 100 pages)

Some of the main aspects of the project incoude but not all.

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is yourbusiness? Why do you thing is necessary?

Whatproducts or services does the business sell / offer? How will the lives ofcustomers change?

2. TEAM PROMO TORT Name, age, training, experience, skills andavailability

3. BUSINESS BALUE AND MODELPROPOSAL What is your business? On what sector/groupe, field does itsettle? What products or services does the business sell / offer? What do your customers earn with your valueproposition?

4. POTENTIAL PARKETI AND CUSTOMER PROFILE Where is your potentialmarket? Can you calculate it?

Who is your strategic client? What key variables define that client?Can you create community?

5. ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND COMPETITORS What environment variables are the ones that favor yourbusiness? Are there already established companies that have business modelssimilar to yours? What rate of growth has the industry / segment of the  industryfollowed in recent years? Is there a possibility that new entrants with

financial capacity enter your segment

6. Strategic business objectives What business objectives that will guide your plan during the next 3 years?

7. MARKETING PLAN 7.1. Product

7.2. Price, on what have you based the pricing strategy?

7.3. Distribution, what kind of dist ributionwill you follow to reach the market?

7.4. Communication, how are you going to position your brand in the market?


8.1. Commercial strategy

8.2. Sales force

8.3. Commercial processes

8.4. Argumentary


Commercial agents and / or collaborators


9.1. Operating Account: Variable and Fixed Income On what basis are the scalability of the business?

9.1. Treasury management: collections and payments

9.1. Balance sheet 9.1.Ratios of business: Economic Profitability, Liquidity,

Indebtedness, Deadpoint 9.1. Required investment and funding sources

10. IMPLANTATION 10.1. Legal form

10.1. Organizational structure 10.1.

Implementation schedule

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Strategic Management: Show the economic of scale of the business growth
Reference No:- TGS02063905

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