
Show that the two sets of kraus operators given by xx-x-xx

Advanced Quantum Mechanics


A. Show that the two sets of Kraus operators given by {|+X)(+x|,|-x)(-xx|} and {1/√2, σx/√2} implement the same CP map. Hint: Consider the action of the Kraus operators on a density operator (expressed in terms of the Bloch vector) and show that both sets transform the state the same way.

B. Let Λ1 and Λ2 be two completely positive trace preserving maps (CPTPMs), and 0 ≤ q ≤ 1. Show that the convex combination Λ3 = qΛ1 + (1 - q)Λ2 is also a completely positive trace preserving map. Hint: Show that Λ3 satisfies the properties of a CPTPM. There is no need to invoke a Kraus representation.

C. Generalize the above result to any finite set of CPTPMs {Λj}j=1N and {qj ≥ 0}j=1N where ∑ jqj = 1. i.e. show that ∑qjΛj is a CPTPM.

D. Let {Kj}j=1N be a set of Kraus operators for a CPTPM. The set {Kj}j=1N is related to {Kj}j=1N by

K'j = ∑kujkKk

where ujk are (complex) elements of a unitary matrix u.

Show that {K'j}j=1N is a Kraus operator set, i.e. ∑j(K'j)K'j = II, and that {K'j}j=1N and {K'j}j=1N implement the same completely positive trace-preserving map, i.e. ∑jKjρKj = ∑jK'jρ(K'j) for all density operators.

Hint: Use uu = II = uu, equivalent to ∑ju*jmujn = δmn. Take care to recognize what symbols represent (complex) numbers, or operators in your calculations.


We define UNOT by its action on pure states, ΛUNOT (|ψ)(ψ|) = |ψ)(ψ|

where (ψ|ψ) = 0

A. Show that ΛUNOT is a trace preserving positive map and work out its action on the Bloch vector. Hint: De-compose ρ into a pure state mixture and use linearity.

B. We can define ΛUNOT by its action on an operator basis instead, if O^ = ∑jcjb^j is an arbitrary operator expressed in an operator basis b^j, then ΛUNOT(O^) = ∑jcjΛUNOT(b^j) through linearity. We need to find out how the map acts on the basis elements, and we use the action of the map on states to do so.

If we choose the Pauli basis {σ0 = II, σ1 = σx, σ2 = σy, σ3 = σz} show that ΛUNOTj) = (-1)(1-δ0,j) σj, for j = 0, . . . , 3.

Hint: Consider the action of ΛUNOT on a pure qubit |ψ)(ψ| = ½(II+r. σ-), |r| = 1 and what it implies for the transformation of the Pauli operators.  

C. We can define the trivial extension of ΛUNOT⊗II by its action on an operator basis for two-qubits, {σj ⊗ σk}j,k=03 with 16 elements. What is ΛUNOT⊗ II{σj ⊗ σk}?

D. The Bell singlet state is |ψ-)(ψ-| = ¼(σ0 ⊗ σ0 -∑j=13  σj⊗σj), where |ψ-) = 1/√2(|01)-|10)).

Express ΛUNOT⊗II(|ψ-)(ψ-|) in the computational basis and show that it is not a positive operator, hence ΛUNOT is not completely positive.

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Mechanical Engineering: Show that the two sets of kraus operators given by xx-x-xx
Reference No:- TGS02210313

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