
Show that merge sort has an on lg n running time by timing

Sorting and Running Time

Merge Sort

We're going to show that Merge Sort has an O(n lg n) running time by timing the code on the computer.

You need a running version of Merge Sort. Feel free to use the version with the videos or one that was done in class.

- cp ~kurban/public_html/permanent/cpp-examples/mergeSort/* . (for the video one)
- cp ~kurban/public_html/csc125/ (for the live class, the name may vary)

What to do
To time an individual run, create a linked list of some number (say 1,000,000) random elements, and run the code with and look at endTime - startTime. This is one datapoint.

Write a program that will:
- generate at least 200 different data points of various sizes.
- Those points will be written to a 'csv' file. Comma separated value files are text files that can be read into a spreadsheet directly.
- This code should run for HOURS
- You can run it on any machine you want

Overview of the program for loop (at least 200 times)

- Pick a number of items to sort, perhaps based on the outer loop and a random number, lets call it n
- for loop (n times)
? create random number and insert into linked list using ll.insert()
- end while
- start timer
- ll.mergesort()
- end timer
- append n and elapsed time to a data file

end for loop

Tree Parser

Write a c++ cgi script that will parse a program that's passed into it and act of the results. The program is a new, simple language it made up that works with a single queue.

Doodle Bugs Start

Look at the doodlebug problem in the text book:
- Page 888-9 from text. Ex 9 (9th ed)
- Page 863-4 Ex 11 (8th ed)

Rather than just use a console for the interface, lets build a web app that will do it. (Obviously there are better technologies for this!)

This web app just creates a world, it doesn't run the simulation. There's no eating or starving or breeding in this lab.

- I have put the interface together, your job is to add some new classes to the entire program:
- My code is at h ttp://www.csit.parkland.edu/~kurban/permanent/cpp-
e xamples/doodleStart/

on linux, use

cp ~kurban/public_html/permanent/cpp-examples/doodleStart/* .

pond object has a blue water-like image

- You will need to create the class and put in the proper virtual functions required by Organism
- You will need to add a public method to the World constructor called makePond() and call it from the constructor
- The makePond() method will be called from the world constructor after fillBorder() and will make a continuous pond.
- Either it can be rectangular. (Choose two rows and two columns and fill in between them)
- Or it can be round. (Choose a center and a diameter, and points where the distance from the center is < radius is a pond)
- It must be random, so a reset will draw a new one.

A frog object has a colorful frog image (so it can be seen)

- You will need to create the class and put in the proper functions required by Organism
- You will need to add a public method to the world constructor called
makeFrog() and call it from the constructor
- The makeFrog() method will be called from the world constructor after fillDoodleBug() and will make frog with a 1 in 100 probability on an empty square.

- a link to your code in the message area.
- an image of the webpage with a pond and crickets.

Message : My instructor requires use the softwares: CodeBlocks, Putty and Wincp.

Almost codes the instructors given in his files( or link) , you need to change or adjust parts of codes to finish those labs.

We use codeblocks coding and use Linux(putty) to run on my web link

Attachment:- Labs.rar

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C/C++ Programming: Show that merge sort has an on lg n running time by timing
Reference No:- TGS01394181

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