Beaufort cipher:-
Let k = (k1, k2, ... , kn) be a keyword of length n, and let p = ( p1, p2, ... , pn) be a plaintext message of length n. The Beaufort encryption of the message is the cipher text c = (c1, c2, ... , cn) = (k1-p1, k2-p2, ... , kn-pn), where ki-pi denotes a backward shift of ki by the shift corresponding to the letter pi. For example, if k = (H, I) and p = (B, Y), then c = (G,K).
(a) Encode the message HELLO with the keyword JUMPS.
(b) Show that encryption and decryption of a Beaufort cipher are identical processes. That is, to decipher it is only necessary to encrypt the cipher text with the same keyword.