
Show reflective practice and personal development

Course Learning Outcomes:

A) Achieve a greater level of independence in the process of learning;

B) Show evidence of reflective practice and personal development.

C) Develop library and basic research skills including, note taking, online and computer searches, required to complete presentations, reports, essays etc.

Assignment Brief:

TASK: More people are going to college now than ever before, in part because of the career advantages that a college degree confers. College-educated workers' higher earnings and lower unemployment are good reasons to go to college.

Your assignment task should contain FIVE sections:

a. Introduction (180 - 200 words)

Understanding the importance of college level skills define the term Transferable Skills (Provide citation).

b. Your own Experiences (700- 750 words)

Discuss in detail the skills you acquired in college. Your assignment should focus on the following important points:

List four transferable skills that you acquired in college.

Discuss the importance of transferable skills.

Discuss the role of fellow students in developing these skills.

c. Future job (700 - 750 words)

This part should focus on your future plan you have to discuss the following points:

Describe your future job.

Write about the career related skills that you want to improve (list four skills).

d. Conclusion (100 - 150 words)

Summarize the above discussion and provide a conclusion.

e. References

You must use at least FIVE academic sources. Include proper in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your assignment. Follow the Harvard referencing style.

You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment.

1800 words in length.

Word count must be included, in brackets, at the end of the report (after conclusion).

Writing in the first person is acceptable in this piece of reflective writing.

Use a REPORT format.

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Other Subject: Show reflective practice and personal development
Reference No:- TGS03031841

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