
Show possible link between diet and breast cancer recurrence

Abstract should not contain more than 300 words.

Keywords for this assignment: describe, evaluate, compare, contrast and discuss.

Keywords for the content: diet, hormone, breast cancer

Intro: Give a brief overview of the pathophysiology of breast cancer explaining the role of hormones and hormone receptors in breast cancer and give numbers. Then mention the importance of a healthy diet to maintain good health. Finally, introduce the subject of diet and breast cancer recurrence.

Part 1: Summarise the articles found that show a possible link between diet and breast cancer recurrence and evaluate/explain why.

Part 2: Summarise the articles found that do not show a link between diet and breast cancer recurrence and evaluate/explain why

Part 3: Compare the findings

Conclusion/discussion: Conclude with an objective discussion of why the majority of findings show what they show.

Websites to be used: Science Direct, PubMed, ResearchGate and World Health Organisation

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Other Subject: Show possible link between diet and breast cancer recurrence
Reference No:- TGS01431502

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