
Show how thomson will go about answering the questions


i. Show how Thomson will go about answering these questions. Include her violinist and people-seed examples along the way.

ii. How will Warren answer? Explore her modified violinist example and her criteria of personhood.

iii. Discuss how each would evaluate the law passed by the state of Texas last year making abortion impermissible once a fetal heartbeat is detected -- at around the six-week mark. This, the law implies, is when the fetus becomes a person and so has a right to life. There are no exceptions for rape or when the birth jeopardizes the mother's life.

iv. Lastly, do you believe abortion is permissible? If so, when? If not, why not? Do you think the Texas law is morally sound? Elaborate, making use of the arguments developed in the reading. Try to come up with justifications that would appeal to a neutral thinker, one genuinely undecided about the issue.

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