
Show how the relative supplyrelative demand rs-rd curve

Show how the relative supply/relative demand (RS-RD) curve diagram may be used to illustrate international equilibrium in the Ricardian model. How would equilibrium change if the size of one of the countries doubled but labor productivity halved?

This was the question that came befor it. I dont think it was a continuation of the first question, but maybe it would help (the solution for his question was answered on Chegg if needed):

1. Hardware H, and Software, S, are perfect substitutes. Consumers combine a unit of hardware with a unit of software to obtain a laptop, so that consumers have a Leontief utility function of the form U(H, S) = min{H, S}. Hardware and Software are produced both in England and in Portugal using labor as the only production factor. England is endowed with 800 units of labor, while Portugal is endowed with 400 units of labor.

Labor productivity is described in the following matrix:

Hardware: England 1/10, Portugal 1/40

Software: England 1/30, Portugal 1/20

(Namely, one unit of labor in England produces one tenth of Hardware, etc.)

(a) Does either of the two countries have an absolute competitive advantage? Does England have a comparative advantage? In which sector? What about Portugal?

(b) How many laptops are produced in England under autarky? How many laptops are produced in Portugal under autarky? How many units of labor are employed in the production of Hardware in the two countries? What are the relative autarky prices?

(c) Suppose free trade is now allowed between England and Portugal. Is either of the two countries fully specializing? What is the number of Hardware and Software units produced in Portugal and in England? What is the free trade equilibrium relative price?

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Business Economics: Show how the relative supplyrelative demand rs-rd curve
Reference No:- TGS02188415

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