
Show a total of your portfolios current worth


It's time for you to prepare the final submission of your Excel Project. You will be adding data to the remainder of you worksheet by creating web queries and hyperlinks to both import and link your workbook to the Web.

• Create a Web Query for each stock to one of the resources you found from Module 2. The web queries should be created in a new worksheet or worksheets (rename worksheets accordingly).

• Link the current price for each stock to your original summary worksheet in the column "Current Price".

• By using formulas and/or functions, show the current worth of the stocks you purchased in addition to the amount you have gained or lost on each investment.

• Show a total of your portfolio's current worth.

• Create a hyperlink from each stock's ticker symbol to a website displaying information on that particular stock.

• Format data accordingly.

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HR Management: Show a total of your portfolios current worth
Reference No:- TGS02037883

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