
Shouldn''t we all become terrorist in fight against inhustice

Problem: We have spent the semester examining the nature of value and the meaning of the right and the good. It is one thing to sit and contemplate what one should do, quite another to actually do it. The power of philosophy is that it provides you with the reasons for why you ought to do one thing over another. So what if you are convinced that there is an injustice in the world that is being ignored or, worse still, fostered and perpetuated by the government and/or within society? What are you supposed to do? ELF (Environmental Liberation Front) burned buildings, ALF (Animal Liberation Front) broke into labs and freed animals from the cruelty of medical experimentation. A quick look at history shows example after example of people taking stands, sometimes forceful, against injustice---these active activists are nearly always labeled terrorists. Shouldn't we all become "terrorists" in the fight against injustice?

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Reference No:- TGS03285260

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