
Should yue sai be an independent brand or should it be

Prepare a marketing plan to turn around Yue Sai. In your marketing plan, please answer the following questions:

1. What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai's targeted customers?

2. Should Yue Sai be an independent brand, or should it be linked in any way to Loreal brand? Why?

3. How will you choose the price, promotion (objectives, message, mix of promotion methods), product (formulation and packaging), and distribution that will allow Yue Sai to reach both short-term and long-term goals?

Resources ;

1. Here comes the modern Chinese consumer By Daniel Zipser, Yougang Chen,and Fang Gong

2. Winning the battle for China’s new middle class By Max Magni and Felix Poh

3. The market is growing furiously, but getting tougher for foreign firms

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Marketing Research: Should yue sai be an independent brand or should it be
Reference No:- TGS02450305

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