
Should you allow the muslim employees to hold the prayer

AllAh in the Workplace?

A small group of employees at Wydget are Muslims; some wear turbans and burkas (robes covering their body). They have asked you, the human resource manager, to allow them to conduct religious prayer services in the plant cafeteria during their morning and afternoon coffee breaks and their lunch break. In general, those employees are good workers, and you do not want to do anything that would undermine their morale. However, a number of other Wydget employees have complained to you that they are suspicious of such meetings, which they fear may be a cover for terrorist or subversive activities. You are concerned that if you allow the lunchtime prayer services, other employees who are Buddhists, Hindus, or Christians may also seek to conduct religious or prayer services.


Should you allow the Muslim employees to hold the prayer services?

What arguments can you make in favor of allowing the services?

What arguments can you make against allowing them? How should you respond to the fears and perceptions of the other employees?

Can Wydget allow the prayer services for the Muslims while refusing other employees the right to hold their own prayer services?

Prepare a memo for the CEO on this question. The memo should list the arguments in favor of, and against, allowing the prayer services and should recommend a decision, with appropriate explanation and justification, for the CEO.

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Business Management: Should you allow the muslim employees to hold the prayer
Reference No:- TGS02261021

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