
Should we adopt the individualist approach of those who can


Many other countries operate under a universal healthcare system where all citizens of that country have health insurance when they are born or become citizens of the country. The health insurance in these countries is typically funded by a healthcare tax (which is taken out of resident's paychecks, much like the withholdings you have taken out of your paycheck here in the U.S.). These universal healthcare plans are not without flaw, and in many cases it is a challenge to finance the plans.

If we accept the premises that resources available to meet the costs of healthcare are finite, and that continuing to increase dollars allocated for health care expenses carries "opportunity costs" for the nation and our society, then as a national policy should we allocate a set level of resources and apply them to achieving "the greatest good for the greatest number" (necessarily leaving some out) OR should we adopt the individualist approach of "those who can pay get, those who can't don't"? Support your position with research.

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Dissertation: Should we adopt the individualist approach of those who can
Reference No:- TGS02433656

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