
Should us farm subsidies be reduced or eliminated should

Assignment: The American Economy

Your Issue paper is to be NO MORE THAN A THREE PAGE DETAILED on the topics you select. Don't be afraid of going to the writing center for some help and guidance in putting together your Issue Paper.

In your Issue paper, you need to include: (1) your topic, (2) your position on the topic, (3) economic arguments against your position, (4) economic arguments for your position, (5) a concluding paragraph, and (6) at least three citations NOT including the textbook.

You are to submit your Issue Paper on May 10th, 2017 (Electronic version only). Points will be deducted if they are handed in late.

Your grade will be a function of the economic arguments you present both against and for your position and your economic reasoning in support of your position. For more detail, check the rubric which is on Blackboard. Your tone should be that of an economic policy maker (e.g., the chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, or the President of a branch of the Federal Reserve System), or an expert economic consultant witness testifying for a client. THE POINT IS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT GET INVOLVED IN EMOTIONAL ARGUMENTS THAT ARE NOT BASED ON ECONOMIC REASONING.



Possible topics that you may select for your Issue Paper are listed in another document on Blackboard.

Some Possible Topics for Issue Paper

Issue Paper(Choose ONE of them)

• Should the minimum wage be eliminated, left alone, or increased? If you believe it should be increased, state how much it should be increased and why.

• Should the rent ceiling be eliminated or not? Yes or No

• Tariffs and quotas

Do U.S. trade tariffs help us or hurt us economically? Yes or No
Is Fair Trade policy superior to Free Trade policy? Yes or No

(If you choose this, be sure to define what you mean by fair trade.)

• Global warming

Should the U.S. commit more resources to the global warming issue? Yes or No
Should the U.S. energy policy include a carbon tax? Yes or No

• Agriculture

Should U.S. farm subsidies be reduced or eliminated? Yes or No
Should the U.S. subsidize the development of biofuels (e.g., ethanol)? Yes or No
Should the U.S. eliminate food tariffs and subsidies that have harmful effects on underdeveloped countries?

• Health care

Should the U.S. have nationalized health care? Yes or No
Should medical malpractice awards be limited? Yes or No
Should Obamacare be repealed? Yes or No

• Market power (e.g., Wal-Mart)

Is Wal-Mart good for the American economy? Yes or No

• Progressive tax system (income inequality)

Should the Federal Income Tax system be more progressive (reduce income inequality)?

Yes or No

Should the federal government be doing more to reduce poverty in the U.S.? Yes or No, and if so, what should they do?

• Immigration

Do illegal immigrants hurt the U.S. economy? Yes or No, and what should the government (what changes should be made)?

• The National Debt

Does the size of the national debt present an economic problem to the U.S.? Yes or No

If there is another topic or issue you would like to present, please see me for approval.

Things to include in the Issue Paper

(1) Issue Paper Topic (e.g.): Eliminating the minimum wage. You should discuss why this topic is interesting and worth to look into.

(2) My position is that the minimum wage should be eliminated (brief paragraph)

(3) Economic arguments against my position:

(4) Economic arguments supporting my position:

(5) Concluding paragraph summarizing why you believe your position is the correct one.

(6) At least three properly cited articles NOT including the textbook.

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Macroeconomics: Should us farm subsidies be reduced or eliminated should
Reference No:- TGS02287352

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