
Should turkey be allowed to join the european union

Your paper MUST be on ONE of the following topics. You may NOT pick your own topic.

TAKE A STAND (pro/con, yes/no, thumbs up/thumbs down) on ONE of the following subjects.
You must state clearly state your position and then justify your answer with at least three  outside sources You may NOT use the textbook. None of your sources can be older than September 2014.

1. Should the United States allow the Keystone Pipeline to be built? (connecting oil sands in Canada with refineries in the United States--that's the global business connection)

2. Should Turkey be allowed to join the European Union?

3. Should the United States be part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

4. Should the United States end sugar subsidies/tariffs? These are the country's very oldest tariffs, dating back to the 18th Century. They protect sugar growers (mainly in Florida)and corn growers (Midwest), keep US sugar prices artificially high, drive jobs out of the US, and keep sugar-growing nations in the developing world and Caribbean trapped in poverty since they can't export to America. DO NOT DEFEND SUBSIDIES USING THE HEALTH ISSUE. You can find other reasons, but these tariffs very definitely weren't put into place to protect our bodies from cheap sugar.

5. Should a new, larger Caribbean-Pacific canal be built through Nicaragua? (You will need to consider environmental issues in this one)

6. In the long run, will allowing more migrants into the country help or hurt the German economy?

Follow the APA formatting instructions, please. Use the sample paper as a template. Use SpellCheck and proofread your work.

Once you choose the topic, your assignment is write an essay stating an informed position and a clear stand.

The paper MUST be written in the third-person. Do not use "I' or "me." (The words are, of course, acceptable in direct quotations--but those quotes should not be from you.) Use the voice of authority. "The facts show, " "Research makes it clear, " "Experience dictates.," "It is obvious that,"--all are clearly going to be your opinion, but they are much stronger as third-person statements than "I think that..."
Format: APA, 12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides.

Minimum length: 3-5 pages NOT including mandatory title page and SEPARATE works cited/reference page.

Per APA formatting, please use in-text citations, NOT footnotes, for any direct quotations or paraphrasing. See the Purdue Owl and sample paper for format.

Minimum of three outside sources, none dated prior to September 2014. You may NOT use the textbook.

Your papers should start with a brief summary of the issue's main points followed by your own position on the subject and why you chose it. You will not earn any credits by simply restating the topic and rewording it.

Please note that this assignment is analysis. It is not sufficient to state that you just agree or disagree with one of the sides in the case. You must demonstrate what you believe the proper position is and WHY-in other words, TAKE A STAND.

Spelling and grammar count; you are all graduate students, and capable of proofreading your work,

And for everyone-the possessive of the pronoun "it" is "its"-NO APOSTROPHE

Potential Sources: The Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Houston Business Journal, The Economist, The New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Fortune and their respective online Web content are all recommended sources, but there are many others--The Times of India, the Straits Times, the Independent, the Australian, the Guardian and other overseas publications can provide information not found in American sources.

APA Formatting and Online Submissions

All assignments in this course are to be submitted in proper APA format, with the exception of the Threaded Discussions.
At a minimum this means:

-12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides

-Properly formatted title page

-Separate "Work(s) Cited" page with each work in indented APA format (all double-spaced)

-In-text APA formatted citations for any direct quotes OR paraphrased material

For help in formatting citations, try Son of Citation Machine: https://www.citationmachine.net/

IMPORTANT NOTE: While Citation Machine will arrange the information entered in proper order, it is still the student's responsibility to put in Times New Roman, 12 pt type, double-space it and indent all lines after the first one.

All TAKE A STAND papers must cite a minimum of three outside sources. You may not use Wikipedia. You may not use the textbook.

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Marketing Management: Should turkey be allowed to join the european union
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