
Should there be stricter regulations to qualify for social

You're having dinner with your parents at a small restaurant near their home. You over hear two elderly gentlemen at the next table talking about the cost of living increase for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). They seem to be upset about the increase. They think by giving more money to SSDI there won't be as much of a cost of living increase for Social Security retirement benefits. 

One of the gentlemen is talking about the nephew of a friend of his that is collecting disability money because he is addicted to drugs. The other gentlemen commented that the government is giving all the hard earned money they made over the years to lazy people that don't want to work for a living. After the gentlemen leave your Father says that he is worried there won't be any money left when he retires.

  1. Should there be stricter regulations to qualify for Social Security Disability? Explain your response, include supporting evidence for your view.
  2. Do you think people that have no physical evidence of a disability are fraudulently collecting payments? Explain your response.
  3. Will the cost of living increase for SSDI payments affect future retiree's benefits? Explain your response, include supporting evidence for your view.

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Business Management: Should there be stricter regulations to qualify for social
Reference No:- TGS02612808

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