
Should the nfl players association be permitted

Review the free speech below and then answer the questions:

On the Saturday prior to the 2011 Super Bowl, the NFL Players Association sought to purchase broadcast time during a college all-star game to air a 30-second com¬mercial. The commercial included photo shots of empty football stadiums and a padlocked gate with a voice-over saying "Let us play," and 'Let them play," followed by the union's president, Kevin Mawac, say¬ing, "We want to play." The ad provided a Web site address where viewers could get more information about thc labor dispute between NFL players and own¬ers and urged viewers to sign a petition. The CBS Col¬lege Sports Network refused to air the message because it was connected to labor negotiations. CBS is one of the major networks that has a contractual agreement with the National Football League to broadcast profes¬sional football games.

Q1. Should the NFL Players Association be permitted to purchase ad time for the purpose of broadcasting a message seeking public support for its position during labor negotiations?

Q2. What do you think about the union strategy of attempting to coinmunicatc its position to the public through the use of television media? if permitted, would the strategy likely be successful from the union's point of view?

Q3. Should NFL owners protest the union's attempted use of the media to communicate its position directly to the public, should the owners prepare a commercial message of their own for possible broadcast, or should the owners say nothing and avoid the issue? Explain your rationale.

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Other Subject: Should the nfl players association be permitted
Reference No:- TGS01771481

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