
Should the federal government have power to require states


Respond to their discussion answers

1. Should the government provide services, and if so, which level of government should provide what service? Should different levels of government rely on others to provide funding for those services?

2. Who should pay for services rendered? Should all citizens pay equally, regardless of ability to pay? Are there services that should be considered a "right of civilization", available to all regardless of income level? What about costs for issues that are of more concern to citizens in some geographic areas than others - Trump's "wall", for example, or cleanup of the Gulf of Mexico from the BP Deepwater spill?

3. Should all services be privatized? The military? Essential utilities such as water or sewer? How should we decide what should or should not be.

4. Should the federal government have the power to require states/localities to provide services, or require those services directly upon the individual?

Works Cited:

Stephens, G. R., & Wikstrom, N. (2007). American intergovernmental relations: A fragmented federal polity. New York: Oxford University Press.



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Business Law and Ethics: Should the federal government have power to require states
Reference No:- TGS03175214

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