
Should present some basic portfolio values including but

Portfolio Descriptions

Should present some basic portfolio values including but not limited to the beta of the portfolios, the betas of all of the assets in each portfolio, and a statement as to how well diversified in your opinion is your fund. This would depend upon the number of firms you selected to be in your portfolio. Also, other factors, including are the companies in different industries, are the companies all very large or small firms, and are the companies all growth or value type firms. Arguably the most important item to be included is the expected return of the portfolio over the course of the semester from September 2017- December 2017. (it is OK to base this estimation from the CAPM), this must be included in your investment policy statement.


1. Starbucks 0.61 beta

2. Boeing Company 1.26 beta

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Financial Management: Should present some basic portfolio values including but
Reference No:- TGS02424048

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