Should parents continue to trust their adolescent


Adolescents often feel that their parent(s) should trust them unless they have done something to lose that trust or have given their parent(s) a reason not to trust them. What if the parent(s) suspects that their adolescent is engaging in activities that they disprove of, but they don't have any proof. The parent(s) have already tried talking to their teen about their concerns, but was not convinced either way (that the teen is or is not for sure engaging in the activity). In your opinion, should the parent(s) continue to trust their adolescent and give them reasonable privacy, or should the parent(s) resort to violating the teen's privacy in order to find out the truth? Give examples of suspected activities that you feel justifies the parent(s) in violating the teen's privacy, and give examples of suspected activities that you feel do not warrant the parent(s) to violate the teen's privacy.

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Reference No:- TGS03248522

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