
Should it be the duty of the government to make these cars


1. According to Techopedia.com "Network models are visual representations that represent objects and their relationships to each other by the use of nodes and arcs.(Techopedia, 2018)" The benefits of network modeling are that it gives the user a simple method to graphically display the relationships between the nodes. The data integrity is better than a typical hierarchal model. The main benefit though is that you can manage many relationships in a network model as opposed to a hierarchal model.

Shortest route technique is a "way that a user can find the shortest path through a network. (Render, Stair, Hanna &, Hale. 2017)" An example of this technique is when a manufacturing company is trying to figure out shipping routes and wants to know the shortest distance between distribution hubs and regional stores. The shortest route technique would allow them to easily determine the optimal shipping method.

The maximal flow technique "is a method used in conjunction with linear programming that attempts to determine how much material can flow from one point to another in a network. (Render, Stair, Hanna &, Hale. 2017)" An example of this would be how much bandwidth an internet connection has for a company and the amount of users utilizing it. If there is not enough bandwidth the end users will have slow internet. Maximal flow technique can be used to determine computer networks bandwidth requirements in regards to end users needs.

2. Network models are a convenient and effective way to find a solution to a problem. Mangers in roles that require solutions to complex problems turn to both linear programming models and network models for answers. Network models are used to show visual connection between different aspects of a problem. The network model is composed of nodes and arcs. A node is considered to be a point on the network, while an arc is considered to be a line on a network that connects the nodes (Render, Stair, & Hanna, 2017.

The composition of these nodes and arcs is what is considered to be the network. Once the network is established, different techniques can be used to find the solution. The shortest-route technique can find the quickest way through the network. This is beneficial when trying to find the method that saves the most amount of time.

The maximal-flow technique determines the maximum amount of something that a network can hold. This is beneficial when trying to determine the capacity of a project. An example of the maximal-flow technique is a company that has a microchip that uses the technique to determine that maximum amount of data that can be routed through its struction

Brian Fallon RE: Unit VII Discussion Board Question

3. I feel that I have experience with diversity. Growing up, I attended school in some areas that were very diverse. The particular high school I attended was in a low income area. The high school was very diverse in the realm of ethnic background. After high school I began to work in Emergency Services. Working Emergency services thrust you directly into the lives of ALL people.

These interactions have caused me to appreciate the person. I am aware when we are providing care to a person of different ethnic background, however it does not affect my patient care. All people have a right to be treated equally among one another. This is a rule that does not pertain to a certain race of people, but should be the same across all peoples.

Living in Southern California there is no escaping diversity. Most of the population is a vast arrayment of people from all countries. Learning to respect individuals for who they are and the beliefs they possess is a necessity. People may disagree with one another, and that is acceptable, but it must be done with mutual respect.

4. Being in the military we are exposed to a lot of diversity. Before joining I didn't have a lot of different cultures where I noticed that there was any.

I joined the navy and now I've seen that there is a lot of different races involved. I first didn't know how to deal with situation when they occurred at my workplace, but when exposed and learning throughout the years that diversity is a huge portion of the military and that we all work together to get the main mission done no matter what sex, race or beliefs we all focused on the mission as one.

Diversity has shaped me to be a better leader because in the society we live in it is still an issue whether it be a job or a promotion fairness is not always on the table, but I learn that no matter what you believe in or what sex or race you are diversity helps bring different views into the community.

5. I chose Supersize Me for this weeks movie and Morgan Spurlock is the narrator. I've heard about this movie for years and never had any reason to watch it until now. MY god! I will never eat at Macdonald's again! What a concept, eating MickyD's for thirty straight days. Now i had my reservations before watching the movie. "oh here we go, another hippie preaching about chickens rights" or something to that effect.

However, I was blown away by the fact that the main charector and nnarrator was just a normal guy. His wife, (whose a vegan) almost mad my premonition come true but he disagrees with that life style which brought more credibility back in my eyes. It didn't seem like he had a agenda.

The spark that started this whole thing was two young girls suing Macdonald's for making them fat. There wasent much research to go on whether or not fast food was making people obese at the time so he decided to test the theory. Just a normal early thirty year old man testing a question. The way he goes about it was very subjective and by the numbers.

He had multiple doctors testing him every few days for the data and for his safety. Just going by the numbers and his obvious decrease in health, it was pretty easy to agree that eating fast food cant be healthy. After the documentary comes out, Macdonald's confirms the fact that there products are unhealthy by taking the portion "super size" off the menu even though they say it wasent because of the movie. Interesting coincidence then. If this was a indoctrination video, I am totally drinking the coolaid now.

My question is "Now that we have more data about this obesity epidemic in the U.S. whats being done about it?" Its been almost 17 years sense that documentary was created. What has happened to deal with this crisis. Something that Morgan eludes to in the film is all the money going towards medications for obese people and how this drains the economy. I would like to know how we are dealing with this issue.

6. I chose to watch Who Killed the Electric Car? The film was narrated by Martin Sheen, and detailed the argument that the technology to build and mass produce electric and alternative power source vehicles is out there, but are consistently being downtrodden, bought out, and otherwise kept off of the market by petroleum companies to keep the demand for oil and other fossil fuels in high demand.

My perception of the argument really wasn't changed by the narrator. I have always thought that the technology is out there, and that the power of big oil is phenomenal. While Martin Sheen is a good actor and is well spoken, I know he is just that, an actor. He is paid to recite lines efficiently. Whether he has a personal interest in this topic is yet to be seen.

This film is a few years old. Since then, there have been a several electric cars hit the market and there are many cars on the market today for sale. The pricing of them is outrageous and the immediate benefits are little to none, only long term environmental benefits. Should it be the duty of the government to make these cars more affordable? Do the majority people really care?

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Operation Management: Should it be the duty of the government to make these cars
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