
Should furtherlengthier copyright protections be extended

Under current copyright law in the United States protections extend for the life of the author plus 50 years, or 75 years for a work of corporate authorship.

Copy right law has been extended many times over the years providing further and further protection for copyright holders.

Review the attached article which discusses the last time copyright protections were extended in 1998.

That update extended copyright protections out 20 years beyond where they were at the time, thus Congress will likely in the very near future again consider extending copyright protection.

Using an analysis, explain the laws that govern copyright law. Include answers to the following questions.

What is intellectual property?

What laws govern intellectual property?

Should further/lengthier copyright protections be extended to copyright holders? Should the law remain as it is or be shortened?

Use the article and course material as a reference point and include at least one example from personal experience or original example in the analysis.

Use rubric to meet the assignment expectations.

Support your argument in your paper by finding two outside references that relate to this issue.

Your paper should be based on reviewing the attached article and your reading in this course in particular this sessions reading. When writing your paper use the following guidelines:

The body of your paper should be 750-1,000 words in length (not including front matter or end matter like the cover page, abstract, bibliography); in 12 point font, and single or double spaced.

At least 2 external, quality research sources must also be consulted, and referenced in the text and cited in the Reference Page.

Your paper will be evaluated with attention to the following elements

Meets word count requirement; (750-1,000 words in the body + a Cover and References Page)

Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar

Original content and thought

Includes thoughtful analysis and commentary on the provided article plus the outside source you find to answer the proposed question(s).

Document design and layout

Follows APA format for in-text citations and Reference Page.

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Operation Management: Should furtherlengthier copyright protections be extended
Reference No:- TGS02886770

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