Should be private role in setting policies for cybersecurity


Discussion 1

Read the articles:

Congressional action on cybersecurity would send strong message to China, By H. West Richards, Oct 5, 2015

Congress Wants Companies Facing Cyberattacks to Share Data, and It's Not a Moment Too Soon, By Paul Kurtz, May 19, 2015

What should be the government and private roles in setting policies for cybersecurity?

What is the current status of U.S. policy for cyber and what is currently being considered by the President and Congress?

Remember to support your statements with reference, including page or paragraph number.

Discussion 2

After reviewing the course background readings, discuss what some of the factors are that must be considered when placing a Point of Dispensing (POD). Consider neighborhoods, accessibility, etc. Be sure to cite the peer-reviewed literature as well as government documents and web sites.

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Business Law and Ethics: Should be private role in setting policies for cybersecurity
Reference No:- TGS03000478

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