Should be community notification for convicted sex offenders



Should There Be Laws requiring Registration and Community Notification for Convicted Sex Offenders?

The following are the criteria I will base my evaluation of your Term Paper. The relevance of the content to the subject matter, and how you organize, present ideas, apply the relevant theoretical framework, creatively interject your opinions and your English usage. In addition to evaluating the different elements of the paper, a holistic view on how these features are brought together to form a total work is important.

For a paper to score an A it must meet the following criteria. The paper comprehensively addresses the subject matter. The thesis, arguments and all supporting evidence show a clear understanding of the issues. The paper clearly, effectively and insightfully develops and conveys a point of view. Its organization and focus is also very clear, coherent, and ideas smoothly progress from one to the other, and also demonstrating excellent critical thinking and supported with appropriate examples. There are no major errors in vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling, citation, punctuation and paragraphing. It must meet the APA format and present a complete Bibliography in a separate page.

The term paper should be at least 5 pages long, and should include the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion. Your paper must be typewritten, using 1.5 line spacing, and must be properly referenced using the APA referencing style. Ensure that your work conforms to proper use of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Your paper should read like a very well written journal article.

The following are suggested outlines for your term paper:

Introduction (Problem statement)

Literature Review (Review of extant literature on the subject).

Research Design (Methods applied to obtain materials for the study)

Research Findings

Discussion of Research Findings

Implications of Study/Research Findings for policy/solving of real life problem.

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Business Law and Ethics: Should be community notification for convicted sex offenders
Reference No:- TGS03199397

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