
shellsin the topic shells we have seen the


In the topic (SHELLS), we have seen the assumptions made in the analysis of thin shells. For a spherical shell, which is symmetrical in all of the directions, the hoop stress has been found to be pd /4t in all of the directions. The expressions for circumferential strain and volumetric strain were arrived. Examples for discovering stresses, strains, changes in diameter and volume were worked out.

For a doubly curved shell, expression associating the stresses to the internal pressure was derived. A conical shell has been analysed and the hoop stress and meridional stress at any point have been seek out. The magnitude and position of maximum hoop stress and meridional stress were derived. Examples have been worked out illustrating the use of these expressions.

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Mechanical Engineering: shellsin the topic shells we have seen the
Reference No:- TGS0181113

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