
Shedd aquarium


If you missed the Shedd Aquarium field trip, you may make up the 25-point assignment by writing a 5-10 page (typed, double spaced) review paper on one of the topics listed below. This paper must cite a minimum of 5 sources from the published literature and at least two must be primary research articles. The paper can be focused on a specific subtopic within one of the categories if you find there is too much information available to summarize in 5-10 pages. Make sure the title of the paper describes the topic you have chosen and that you include subheadings within the body of the paper for clear organization. Follow the guidelines found in the McMillan text for review papers in preparing your paper. Use the library skills that you learned earlier in the course to search for information about your topic. The paper must contain the signed honor code signifying that you have researched the topic and written the paper yourself, in your own words.

Possible topics:

The ecology of...(this will include major environmental conditions, the common organisms that live in this habitat, and how the environment shapes these organisms)

coral reefs

mangrove swamps

freshwater lakes



hardwood forests


salt marshes

rocky intertidal zones

sand dune habitat

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Science: Shedd aquarium
Reference No:- TGS01069248

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