
She wants plan that will involve her employees in saving

One woman had a vision…a vision to change a community through a reading and math intervention program. She began her non-profit organization by purchasing supplies with her own money and relying on donated space and several retired friends to volunteer in order manage the operations of the program. Over time, she was able to find numerous donors and several foundations who provide predictable grants to the program. She now has an abundance in money to fund all of her program desires and then some. The program now has three full-time employees and numerous volunteers. She is overwhelmed with gratitude towards those who have contributed to the amazing success of this program. She wants to provide a way to help her employees plan for retirement, and she has enough regular excess in her donations to offer a plan. She wants a plan that will involve her employees in the saving process, but she does not want to bear any investment risk. What plan type is best for this potential client?

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Financial Management: She wants plan that will involve her employees in saving
Reference No:- TGS02867743

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