One touch health is an early-stage healthcare product company focuses on clinical care coordination after patients experience a health event/clinical visit. Care Coordination will occur via multiple modalities to "meet the patient where they are," including text, email, phone, two-way interactive, and others-automating multiple patient interactions with the customer, the patient's clinical care team, and, if desired, with the patient's personal contacts/network. To simplify engagement with customers, this company "meets customers where they are" from a data integration perspective allowing the customer to enable real-time, near real-time, and batch data exchanges supporting all necessary compliance requirements. One touch health primary concern will be the patients under the Medicare umbrella. Medicare is a health insurance plan for individuals over the age of 65.
In the presentation, please include the following items:
I. Detailed learning outcomes with examples and how the learning outcomes have helped you and the team working on the project. Explain with real life examples and experiences. share your valued experience
II. Project reflections. What will you do differently if given an opportunity to do the project with a different sponsor and team? Share your valued experience and competitors' analysis. How do other similar companies operate and what the sponsor can learn from them.