According to the US Census, the categories of ethnic groups in the USA are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native Americans and Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, two or more races, or some other race.
Research the history and current issues relating to this group.
Review curricular materials to see how this group is represented (or misrepresented or not represented) in curricular materials. Critique these materials. Examples of curricular materials could be classroom textbooks/media materials, library materials, posters, etc. Additionally, if you have been in a classroom or similar setting where you have experienced a lesson or seen instructional materials, please feel free to share your critique of those items.
An example of misrepresentation might be only focusing on African-American historical figures during the month of February (Black History Month).
Share three ways you will/would incorporate this ethnic group into your classroom activities.
With peers:
1. Share your knowledge of different ethnic groups.
2. Provide thoughts about curriculum ideas.