In this first discussion, you will choose a country, other than the USA or Turkey, that you would like to focus on for your final project, and work on the following critical elements: Rationale, Location, and Country Composition.
Share your country choice for the final project and the reasoning behind this decision. Next, visit the World Atlas ( and The World Factbook ( to begin collecting important geographic and demographic information on the region.
Share a map of the country in the discussion and identify the following elements:
- Regional location
- Water access
- Bordering countries
- Natural hazards or climate
Identify the following elements of the country:
- Literacy rate
- Rate of urbanization
- Heavily populated cities
- Major religions
- Educational data
- Age structure
Address the following questions based on your findings:
- What opportunities do you see from this information?
- What considerations would impact shipping, labor, or other operations?
- Are there any risks?