Assignment task: My client, Esther, is a 35-year-old woman who recently left an oppressive marriage. Due to her long-term maltreatment, Miss Esther has endured severe emotional, physical, and psychological trauma. The trauma has impacted her mental health, self-esteem, and ability to trust others and function well in other aspects of her life. She also confronts economic obstacles as she fled the oppressive relationship without financial resources or stable employment. Miss Esther is of African American descent and hails from a close-knit community where cultural and familial expectations play a significant role.
Share two components or pieces of your care plan reflection, focusing on those areas that were most difficult for you to create. Then discuss how the assignments in this course, and especially the assignments on interviewing and writing the care plan, will help you in your human services career. What about case management are you still curious about or have questions about?