
Sexual harassment at work place

Topic: Sexual Harassment at work place

Your paper must include the following:

• Title page with your name, course, date etc.
• Executive summary (not more than one paragraph)
• Outline of paper
• Analytical essay with an introduction, a body of supporting evidence and a conclusion
• Internal citations of sources and footnotes to identify them
• Bibliography page (at least 5 credible sources)

1. Outline and Executive summary -identifies, organizes and summarizes the major points in your paper.

2. Clear explanation of the thesis statement in your opening paragraph that you will support and explain in your paper. This should be written as an interesting lead that will capture the reader's attention and identify the focus of your paper.

3. Analytical essay, that examines, explains, explores, and expands your topic with facts, examples and evidence drawn from your sources. You should provide a thoughtful interpretation and detailed, insightful understanding of the material cited in your paper.

4. Internal citations -When you use examples and quotes to support your points, make sure your footnotes correctly attribute all direct quotes, paraphrases and facts etc. to the original source of the information.

5. Bibliography -at least 5 credible and substantive sources that you have integrated into the text of your paper; you must list them in correct MLA format, alphabetical order by author.

6.Conclusion summarizes what was learned, answers the most significant questions and expresses your personal opinion and response to the material.

TYPE DOUBLE SPACED: should be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Closely proofread and edit all written work; you will lose points for typographical and grammatical errors. Use a style guide.


1. QUESTION: Why do men and women have different communication styles? OR

2. THESIS STATEMENT: The Millenial Generation brings a different set of skills and expectations to the workplace.

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Other Subject: Sexual harassment at work place
Reference No:- TGS0553298

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