
Sexual addiction and addiction to the internet


Sexual Addiction And Addiction To The Internet

I need help in considering sexual addiction and addiction to Internet content and comparing and contrasting treatment modalities for these addictions with treatment planning for clients presenting addictions to alcohol or drugs. In the revision of the DSM, would you like to see these compulsive, addictive behaviors listed? How would their inclusion affect your practice?

Do you think gambling, eating disorders, shopping, and other behavioral addictions warrant counseling intervention? I need to defend my response and am unsure of wear to go with this.

Further, I need to discuss what I perceive to be the difficulty with treating co-occurring disorders. Do you think that knowing the primary diagnosis is essential to effective treatment?

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced.

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Other Subject: Sexual addiction and addiction to the internet
Reference No:- TGS01886515

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