Set up the migration matrix for this situation using five

In 1994, the population of California was 31,524,000, and the population living in the United States but outside California was 228,680,000. During the year, it is estimated that 516,100 persons moved from California to elsewhere in the United States, while 381,262 persons moved to California from elsewhere in the United States.4

a. Set up the migration matrix for this situation, using five decimal places for the migration rates into and out of California. Let your work show how you produced the migration matrix.

b. [M] Compute the projected populations in the year 2000 for California and elsewhere in the United States, assuming that the migration rates did not change during the 6- year period. (These calculations do not take into account births, deaths, or the substantial migration of persons into California and elsewhere in the United States from other countries.)

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Mathematics: Set up the migration matrix for this situation using five
Reference No:- TGS01418722

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