
Set up the interrupt vectors for the enhanced capture timer

Set up the interrupt vectors for the enhanced capture timer Ch1, enhanced capture timer Ch0, RTI, and IRQ to work with the CodeWarrior IDE by modifying the vectors.c file given in Example 6.5.

Example 6.5

Write a C program to use the RTI to time-multiplex four seven-segment displays using the circuit shown in Figure 4.18 and shift the seven-segment display pattern as described in Example 6.4. Turn on one display at a time and light each display for about 1 ms, then switch to the next display. Use display 0 to display 3. Use CodeWarrior and a demo board programmed with serial monitor to implement the circuit.


Example 6.4

Write an assembly program to use the RTI to time-multiplex four seven-segment displays using the circuit shown in Figure 4.18. Turn on one display at a time and light each display for about 1 ms, then switch to the next display. Use display #0 to display #3. Use CodeWarrior and a demo board programmed with a serial monitor to implement the circuit.

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Basic Computer Science: Set up the interrupt vectors for the enhanced capture timer
Reference No:- TGS01463342

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